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Border Invasion Pics

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If you have the desire to contribute invasion pictures from your area of the border, please contact us. We will assist in every possible way. Presenting more direct evidence from all along the border will make our effort more effective, and the evidence is available from San Diego to Brownsville.

This effort began in June 2008 as an experiment by one individual with a single camera. We acquire more camera as recources allow and we now have volunteers at work in different areas. We now know that we can effectively use all the cameras we can get, and more cameras means more evidence.

All webmasters and bloggers are encouraged to post a link to this website. Whereas words may fall on deaf ears, pictures may generate new interest. As more citizens, legal residents, and politicians across the country understand the magnitude of the invasion, perhaps they will realize that illegal immigration is an issue with serious consequences to the future of our country.